RYA OnBoard
What is the RYA’s OnBoard programme?
OnBoard is the RYA’s initiative to introduce young people to sailing through local clubs and watersports centres. The OnBoard programme puts the emphasis on getting young people out on the water, having fun and enjoying themselves making the most of their time on the water whilst at the same time helping to develop a wider range of invaluable ‘life skills’, from problem solving to leadership and teamwork.
Like Emberton Park Sailing Club, all clubs that run the programme are recognised RYA Training Centres so you can be assured that the young people will receive the highest standards of instruction in a safe, secured and relaxed environment.
At Emberton our OnBoard activities are fully integrated into our youth sailing programme; from discovering sailing at one of our ‘Come and Try It’ days where we offer the opportunity for members of the public (young and old) to get out on the water and have a go at sailing, through to building sailing skills at our regular youth section sailing sessions, sailing with the MK & Bucks Youth Sailing Association and club racing.
If you know a young person aged up to 18 years old that is looking to try out something new come along and Get them OnBoard!
As a club, run by volunteers, there are limits as to the number of young people we can accommodate on the OnBoard, discover sailing sessions.
If you work with a school or larger youth group and would like your young people to access many of the positive benefits sailing can bring, such as increased confidence and independence while developing an understanding of the importance of communication, teamwork, creativity and leadership skills in addition to the academic learning benefits, please get in touch and we will be able to direct you to local commercial centres that will be able to assist you.